Fridays are always my favorite day. It is for all involved with school, it goes with the territory. Whether you are a teacher, a student, a custodian, it does not matter. Fridays are sublime. Today was a tiring day as it was "raceday" for my students. I teach STEM, science, technology, engineering and math, all combined in a problem based format. In other words, we make things. My students were responsible for making a balloon powered car. It was exhausting to say the least, but as most days are, it was rewarding.
As I sit here now listening to Steve sing and play the guitar, I am reminded about how lucky I am that much of my life is centered around music. It has always been this way. Raised in a music rich home, being a singer, and producing musicians, music lovers, and now surrounding myself with an extremely talented musician, it is truly safe to say that music is to a great extent my life. I just completed two new music videos thanks to Animoto. I uploaded a song I recorded last Christmas titled, The Snow is Gently Falling, and then one recorded by Steve and I that features my beautiful daughter Aubrey on a new classic written by Daniel Kantor. Listening to Aubrey sing with an innocence I was reminded of times now past, when my children would begin to prepare for their school Christmas programs. They were always elaborate productions with Mrs. Schultz at the helm. I learned much from Mrs. Schultz and the other teachers at Sts. Patrick and Theresa Catholic School. So much of who I am and who my children are was formed at that simple unadorning school, and the church connected to it. St. Patricks church is where I found my voice. So many times I sang for my supper. So many times I was healed and nurtured through the music at the church on the corner of Indiana Avenue and Hickory St. in the heart of Kankakee Illinois. Yes, the heart of the town that I grew up in and loved so dearly.
As I came to the close of preparing the video "Night of Silence" I found the deep longing in my heart and spirit to be connected to a church community this Christmas. It seems so unfair that in trying to find a place to fit in, I lost so much of what made me fit. My prayer for this Christmas? Well, it is in not much different than Christmastimes past. I pray that I will see Santa, I pray that I will see my children happy and healthy, I pray that I will be able to sing the Psalms of Christmastide, maybe even sing for a congregation of joy-seekers, "Night of Silence" in the tradition of days gone by.
December 4th, what a day, what a day, and thank you Lord for this day, soon the snow will be falling, and rose will wait frozen in the snow laying, waiting...
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