Seriously, it was. I am here. It is good. Not much more than that. Oh except that I met up with two dear friends. One of these days I will get all of my good friends together at the same time and have a total friend extravaganza! Until then, it is nice to know that I have some.
Peace! Oh, Happy birthday Ricky!
ArtSees Diner is a virtual Diner, living vicariously through the culinary experience thru some amazing fooderies. Join us as we encounter gastronomic pleasures on this journey known as life. Welcome to the “Diner!” The “Chefs” are Mary E., Steve Champagne.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December 15th...Teach me...
Teach Me, by M.E. LaLuna, 2009
Teach me how to say “I Can”
I never really learned that phrase
It is something practiced everyday
For most…
Teach me how to reach to stars
I never really stretched that far
It is something reached for
Far away…
Teach me how to sail the seas
I never really set my sails
It is something only sailors dream
Isn’t it…
Teach me how you live each day
I never really took that breath
That fills and expands
A life…
Teach me how to be myself
I was never really introduced
Robbed at birth and forced to be
Someone else not me…
Teach me how to love
I only know how to say
Three words,
I practice everyday…
Show me that I can,
I am
Teach me how to say “I Can”
I never really learned that phrase
It is something practiced everyday
For most…
Teach me how to reach to stars
I never really stretched that far
It is something reached for
Far away…
Teach me how to sail the seas
I never really set my sails
It is something only sailors dream
Isn’t it…
Teach me how you live each day
I never really took that breath
That fills and expands
A life…
Teach me how to be myself
I was never really introduced
Robbed at birth and forced to be
Someone else not me…
Teach me how to love
I only know how to say
Three words,
I practice everyday…
Show me that I can,
I am
Monday, December 14, 2009
December 14th...just another day...
It is/soon to be a was just another day. Waking up this morning, was not a pleasant experience. I was in a fog. I didn't want to get up. Mornings are hard enough for me, normally. I like to take my time, slowly wake up. I resent being rushed in the morning. I despise it. The perfect job for me would be one where I do not have to arrive until at least 9a.m. So what do I do? I get a job as a teacher, and my day begins at 7:15a.m. That all means that I have to awaken by 5:45 just so that I can get my keester out of the door in time to arrive by 7:15. The problem is that I do not get my nice slow pace. In order to do that I would have to be up by 4am! That is never going to happen. My bio-rhythms just will not allow for that. Seriously, I have been this way from the time I was a little girl. Me and mornings are just not friends. The perfect schedule is one where I wake up, when I wake up. No alarm clock, the natural way. If I was allowed to do that, I would wake up naturally at about 6:30. So, you see that would allow for a nice slow pace in the morning, with still enough time to get ready for work, and arrive on time.
But, today was just another day, and I woke up at 5:30, slowly stretched, made my coffee, showered, dressed, and ended up racing for school. The dress I chose, well, it was a little shorter then I remembered, so instead of a carefully layed out plan, I had to do a quick change, which made me rush all the more. Sometimes best layed plans are best layed aside. So, for Me it was just another day. Has anyone seen Santa?
But, today was just another day, and I woke up at 5:30, slowly stretched, made my coffee, showered, dressed, and ended up racing for school. The dress I chose, well, it was a little shorter then I remembered, so instead of a carefully layed out plan, I had to do a quick change, which made me rush all the more. Sometimes best layed plans are best layed aside. So, for Me it was just another day. Has anyone seen Santa?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
December 13...See the power in the manger...

Passionate Sunset, that is the name of the my most recent watercolor. You see it has been a long held desire to capture the colors or the sky, the sea, the world around me. It is a labor of love if nothing else. This is based on a photo that was taken two summers ago. Sunsets are timeless, the sun will rise, and it will set. The power found in Lake Michigan is unmatched with the power of the sunset. The color, the radiance. The human eye can see the color, hear the roar of the waves, feel the power of the wind upon the face. If I were a blind woman, I would not see the sunset, yet, I would know that it exist, you see it would exist if I trust the seer next to me who described it to me. They would tell of the color, the power, the vibrancy, they would share with me, that the warmth I felt on my face was from the warmth of the sun. The glow that was reflected off of my face could be witnessed from on lookers, even if I was unable to see it, those gazing upon me, could see what I was unable to see. If I was deaf, I would not hear the roar of the waves, yet, I could sense the vibration. Others would explain that the sound was almost deafening, yet, it would not mean anything to me, as my existence is that of deafened sound. Sound would be a non-reality. So it is with faith.
You see, just as a blind man, cannot disprove or prove that which is seen by other, so it is that non-believers cannot disprove, nor can they prove the existence of God. Science cannot prove, or disprove. God defies logic, therefore, science cannot relate. For over 2,000 years man has bot been able to disprove Jesus Christ. Faith has grown. In over 4, 000 years man has been unable to disprove Abraham and Moses. Attempts fail over and over again. You see there is power in the manger.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
December 12th...Santa lives in Kankakee!
It is true, I have come to this conclusion after 49 years of witnessing Christmas, and pondering the true existence of the fat man in the jolly red suit! Santa lives in Kankakee Illinois, United States of America. Now, I am sure beyond belief that many of you will heartedly disagree. But, rest assured, not only do I know what I am talking about, I have 49 years worth of evidence.
This very day as I was putting together a new recording of Christmas songs, and a reading or two, it hit me. Suddenly stories that I had read in the past to my children, students, and to myself were falling flat. "where in the world is my Christmas spirit that stories that use to fill my eyes with tears were now so trite, so flat, so unemotive?" It was then that it dawned on me. They were in fact far too cliche. It was then that I recalled the last time I had a true Santa moment. Evidence that Santa lives in Kankakee? The last Santa moment was in Kankakee.
I came to realize when I was a little girl that Santa did not exist, well, that is what my girlfriend's mother would try to make me believe. IT is sad, for as you stop believing, it does stop existing. We can make things disappear you know simply, by no longer believing in them. This is science ya' know.
I was so sad that year, what would I do, how could I go forth into another Christmas without the Santa spirit. It was upon discussing this problem with my Mom that she told me "as long as you believe, Santa will come." She was wise, and so it goes, that I have held that belief.
I moved away from Kankakee in the summer of 05' after living there for almost 45 years. I was born and raised there, raised my children there. I was for financial, post-marital, and professional reasons forced out of my home.
I swear since I have moved away from Kankakee, I have no longer had my yearly encounters with the jolly old elf. Seriously, every Christmas by the 23rd of December, I would have an encounter, that would convince me that he indeed still exist. Well, it is now the 12th of December 2009 and I have not really had that special kind of encounter. It does not exist anywhere else in the world, so therefore, Santa must in fact reside in Kankakee Illinois.
I remember all too well, the year there was no Santa..., I could simply say, "well ME, it is time for you to grow up and walk away from childhood fantasies" or, I could simply say, "ME, it is time for you to believe again."
This very day as I was putting together a new recording of Christmas songs, and a reading or two, it hit me. Suddenly stories that I had read in the past to my children, students, and to myself were falling flat. "where in the world is my Christmas spirit that stories that use to fill my eyes with tears were now so trite, so flat, so unemotive?" It was then that it dawned on me. They were in fact far too cliche. It was then that I recalled the last time I had a true Santa moment. Evidence that Santa lives in Kankakee? The last Santa moment was in Kankakee.
I came to realize when I was a little girl that Santa did not exist, well, that is what my girlfriend's mother would try to make me believe. IT is sad, for as you stop believing, it does stop existing. We can make things disappear you know simply, by no longer believing in them. This is science ya' know.
I was so sad that year, what would I do, how could I go forth into another Christmas without the Santa spirit. It was upon discussing this problem with my Mom that she told me "as long as you believe, Santa will come." She was wise, and so it goes, that I have held that belief.
I moved away from Kankakee in the summer of 05' after living there for almost 45 years. I was born and raised there, raised my children there. I was for financial, post-marital, and professional reasons forced out of my home.
I swear since I have moved away from Kankakee, I have no longer had my yearly encounters with the jolly old elf. Seriously, every Christmas by the 23rd of December, I would have an encounter, that would convince me that he indeed still exist. Well, it is now the 12th of December 2009 and I have not really had that special kind of encounter. It does not exist anywhere else in the world, so therefore, Santa must in fact reside in Kankakee Illinois.
I remember all too well, the year there was no Santa..., I could simply say, "well ME, it is time for you to grow up and walk away from childhood fantasies" or, I could simply say, "ME, it is time for you to believe again."
Friday, December 11, 2009
December 11th...short and sweet...
Yep, that is what tonight's post is, short and sweet. Considering that I do not know if anyone is really reading this, I can kind of trust that it is like my daily diary. I promised myself that I would write everyday until the 25th of December. I am not sure how well I will be able to do this as I am going to be moving about the countryside, and I am not certain if I will have internet access. Either way, it is my mission to just that, get back into writing for the pleasure of writing.
Today was relatively uneventful, well, that is unless you take into consideration the multitudes of things that I did, and successfully accomplished.
The highlight of today? My fortune found tucked away in a cookie obtained at my new favorite restaurant in the Michigan City area. The Pearl, a quaint little chinese establishment. Oh, the quote, " you will be showered with good luck before your next birthday. Hmmmm, yep, short and sweet...
Today was relatively uneventful, well, that is unless you take into consideration the multitudes of things that I did, and successfully accomplished.
The highlight of today? My fortune found tucked away in a cookie obtained at my new favorite restaurant in the Michigan City area. The Pearl, a quaint little chinese establishment. Oh, the quote, " you will be showered with good luck before your next birthday. Hmmmm, yep, short and sweet...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 10, 2009...She would have been 80 today!
My birth mom, Mary Caroline Link, it is hard to imagine her 80. I wish so much that I wasn't wondering, but holding her hand. My momma's hands. What would they feel like wrapped in mine? I would be able to be a much better daughter to her now that I am facing the age that she was when she left us. Only 51! Damn it! That is way too young, way too young. Her beauty left us way too soon! I didn't hold her hand enough, I didn't think I would ever not have it to hold on to. I learned way too young that life is not fair.
Her curly strawberry blond hair, her green eyes, her strong, but lovely features. I still hear her voice singing through mine now and then. Not too often, but when I do, I just want to hold it put it on pause, and listen for a while longer. It passes so quickly, and I wonder if I will get to hear it again.
I am not only remembering her soft hands, her grace, but the love of those that she loved, and loved her in return. In particular my Uncle Chuck. She was the love of his life. A bachelor, he never really ventured too far from her, from us. A free spirit, he roamed, but guaranteed on the 10th of December he called his Mary. After she passed away, he would call on one of his nieces or nephews, anything to be close to her. To hear some semblance of her spirit. He is gone now too. He departed from us this past spring. It was hard to see him suffer, to go. We made sure he had soft hands to hold.
Well, Uncle Chuck, you don't need to call us tonight, you are with her. Hold her hand, and if there is anyway that you can, let me know how soft it is. Tell her I sang you to sleep with Dougie, and let me hear the two of celebrate her being 80 today!
I will love you forever, and ever, and ever!
Little Lizzy
Her curly strawberry blond hair, her green eyes, her strong, but lovely features. I still hear her voice singing through mine now and then. Not too often, but when I do, I just want to hold it put it on pause, and listen for a while longer. It passes so quickly, and I wonder if I will get to hear it again.
I am not only remembering her soft hands, her grace, but the love of those that she loved, and loved her in return. In particular my Uncle Chuck. She was the love of his life. A bachelor, he never really ventured too far from her, from us. A free spirit, he roamed, but guaranteed on the 10th of December he called his Mary. After she passed away, he would call on one of his nieces or nephews, anything to be close to her. To hear some semblance of her spirit. He is gone now too. He departed from us this past spring. It was hard to see him suffer, to go. We made sure he had soft hands to hold.
Well, Uncle Chuck, you don't need to call us tonight, you are with her. Hold her hand, and if there is anyway that you can, let me know how soft it is. Tell her I sang you to sleep with Dougie, and let me hear the two of celebrate her being 80 today!
I will love you forever, and ever, and ever!
Little Lizzy
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
December 9...the circle of life
The text message said, "I am sitting in the Doctor's office waiting." I, of course, did not expect a text at 11a.m. this morning from my daughter Elyssa. I typically do not look at my cell at that time of the morning, but today I did. Doctor? Why is she at the Doctor, is Bella sick? Bella is my one year old granddaughter. I text back to discover, that no, no one is ill. It was already time for another ob/gyn visit. You see, I am going to be a grandmother again. Bella is going to have a little brother or sister in June. I received another text this afternoon letting me know that the baby's due date is June 29th. Somehow I knew that that would be the special date. The 29th's have a huge significance in my life. The 29th of June? Well, aside from just having a gut feeling about that date, it is also the date that my beautiful mother passed away. She will have been gone 29 years ago on that day.
Elyssa assured me that this baby would not be born on that day, as more than likely they will induce, and quite possibly, this baby would be born on the 18th or so, and could be born c-section. Regardless, my first response was, "well you will have to name her Caroline after her grandmother." It just came out. It was the first reference to this baby's gender. I am still not completely convinced that Elyssa will give birth to a girl, but somehow a June baby being a boy does not seem right. Silly, I know. Then I thought, oh, Carrie for short, and middle name Ann, Caroline Ann, Carrie Ann. What a wonderful gift to have one of the next generation named after my birth-mom. Just when I was feeling so sad, that my memories of my mom seemed like they were fading. Only last night I was feeling that, then the text today. Then as I was driving down Center Street on my way home today it hit me. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday.
Elyssa assured me that this baby would not be born on that day, as more than likely they will induce, and quite possibly, this baby would be born on the 18th or so, and could be born c-section. Regardless, my first response was, "well you will have to name her Caroline after her grandmother." It just came out. It was the first reference to this baby's gender. I am still not completely convinced that Elyssa will give birth to a girl, but somehow a June baby being a boy does not seem right. Silly, I know. Then I thought, oh, Carrie for short, and middle name Ann, Caroline Ann, Carrie Ann. What a wonderful gift to have one of the next generation named after my birth-mom. Just when I was feeling so sad, that my memories of my mom seemed like they were fading. Only last night I was feeling that, then the text today. Then as I was driving down Center Street on my way home today it hit me. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8, Not too much to say
Like the title states, not too much to say, but considering that I have made a commitment to blog every night until the 25th, I must. So many thing happen in a day. Seriously, my day begins at 5:30 in the morning and goes until, well, it is now 10:46p.m. I am exhausted, seriously tired. What am I waiting for, why am I not in bed? Well, I am not in bed, because I am not done with all that I set out to do today.
Some of the day's achievements are simply this. I had successes. Successes with my kids at school, seriously, I believe I had almost 100% engagement of all of my kids all day! I heard only one student using profanity in the hall. (one kid too many) I recorded a video along with my co-teacher in the hopes of getting kids on board with the importance of "follow through" and following the 12 step design process. I made dinner, special no bake cookies, rerecorded a Christmas song for my school. Enrolled in another Master's program, practiced singing with Steve, and well, everything that came along. Oh, did I go to the bathroom at all?
Seriously, I am tired. So with that said, I am off to bed.
In truth, I have a lot to say, I just did, but the lesson learned today is this: never underestimate your power and ability. Never assume anything, and give the greatest gift that you can at Christmas, believe, then claim it, and proclaim it.
Some of the day's achievements are simply this. I had successes. Successes with my kids at school, seriously, I believe I had almost 100% engagement of all of my kids all day! I heard only one student using profanity in the hall. (one kid too many) I recorded a video along with my co-teacher in the hopes of getting kids on board with the importance of "follow through" and following the 12 step design process. I made dinner, special no bake cookies, rerecorded a Christmas song for my school. Enrolled in another Master's program, practiced singing with Steve, and well, everything that came along. Oh, did I go to the bathroom at all?
Seriously, I am tired. So with that said, I am off to bed.
In truth, I have a lot to say, I just did, but the lesson learned today is this: never underestimate your power and ability. Never assume anything, and give the greatest gift that you can at Christmas, believe, then claim it, and proclaim it.
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 7, show me that I can, and I will...
Today was one of those days. It was a Monday. A Monday, sadly, it was not a Monday that was unique to itself. It dawned on me today that I do not like Monday, because for me it is like starting all over again at something that you didn't really like in the first place. It is like coming home from a long vacation, but your home is not really a good, happy, safe, amazingly wonderful place. For me starting back on a Monday is a reminder that I am not really teaching the subject that I have a passion for, nor that way that I believe it should be taught. It is a reminder that I do not like getting up before the sun rises. It is actually not that I do not like it, it is that seriously, it is like an allergy or something. Like the person who is allergic to chocolate, it will surely break them out with zits, so they don't eat it. But, imagine if they were told that they had to.
I mentioned a similar analogie to my students once and a smart young man said, "then why are you a teacher?" Well, he was right on point. The problem is, I never thought about the time I would have to wake up in the morning when I was setting out to make a difference in young people's lives.
Now that I am solidly into this career, (well I am this year) then I have to make the best of it. Making the best of it is close to impossible on a monday morning. Especially when you look out the window and see that it has snowed and your car is covered with the lovely white stuff. You are not sure how bad the roads are, you know you are running short on time as it is, all because you have to make biscuits and gravy for a group of people all against your wishes. Who ever heard of having a food fest when you have to work with kids all day? Seriously, I can barely cop a squat and go peepers, let alone mix and mingle! So, I am facing an entire day of being off kilter. I made it into work with barely a minute to spare. Roads were bad and unfortunately people in this town panic at the slightest snow fall! I was greeted with nonsense, absolute nonsense at every turn. I sank deep into "why in the world am I here" distress.
Well, I made it through my day. Believe me, I could go on and on about the lamentations of ME. Now as I sit on my sofa, Christmas trees lit, supper served, Steve happy and content, (he just made me happy too, as he cleaned up supper ; {} ) and me typing away. It was just a little bit ago as I was putting together my team's quarterly newsletter, just why I am a teacher.
I actually should apologize for being such a scrooge today. I was totally over the edge with intolerance. Now, do not get me wrong, a few of the students that I had to reprimand had it coming. Seriously, they did! But, in hind sight, I want to be like one of my bosses, except for positive emotions, you are not aware that he has any. Only once did I see him really mad. Oh, he makes kids tow the line, but he does with without an emotional change.
I came across this poem, I wrote it about me. It speaks for itself. This poem is the reason I am a teacher. It is why I tried to be a good mom. It is why I struggle so much to just survive at times. It is why at the age of 49, I still do not know what I want to be, really, when I grow up. I guess it is a sign that like my 14 year old students, I am just trying to get by. Like them, I resent being pulled away from my comfortable home, and bed too soon in the morning. It is why sometimes I just need someone to teach me, show me, help me...
Teach me how to say “I Can”
I never really learned that phrase
It is something practiced everyday
For most…
Teach me how to reach to stars
I never really stretched that far
It is something reached for
Far away…
Teach me how to sail the seas
I never really set my sails
It is something only sailors dream
Isn’t it…
Teach me how you live each day
I never really took that breath
That fills and expands
A life…
Teach me how to be myself
I was never really introduced
Robbed at birth and forced to be
Someone else not me…
Teach me how to love
I only know how to say
Three words,
I practice everyday…
Show me that I can, I am
I mentioned a similar analogie to my students once and a smart young man said, "then why are you a teacher?" Well, he was right on point. The problem is, I never thought about the time I would have to wake up in the morning when I was setting out to make a difference in young people's lives.
Now that I am solidly into this career, (well I am this year) then I have to make the best of it. Making the best of it is close to impossible on a monday morning. Especially when you look out the window and see that it has snowed and your car is covered with the lovely white stuff. You are not sure how bad the roads are, you know you are running short on time as it is, all because you have to make biscuits and gravy for a group of people all against your wishes. Who ever heard of having a food fest when you have to work with kids all day? Seriously, I can barely cop a squat and go peepers, let alone mix and mingle! So, I am facing an entire day of being off kilter. I made it into work with barely a minute to spare. Roads were bad and unfortunately people in this town panic at the slightest snow fall! I was greeted with nonsense, absolute nonsense at every turn. I sank deep into "why in the world am I here" distress.
Well, I made it through my day. Believe me, I could go on and on about the lamentations of ME. Now as I sit on my sofa, Christmas trees lit, supper served, Steve happy and content, (he just made me happy too, as he cleaned up supper ; {} ) and me typing away. It was just a little bit ago as I was putting together my team's quarterly newsletter, just why I am a teacher.
I actually should apologize for being such a scrooge today. I was totally over the edge with intolerance. Now, do not get me wrong, a few of the students that I had to reprimand had it coming. Seriously, they did! But, in hind sight, I want to be like one of my bosses, except for positive emotions, you are not aware that he has any. Only once did I see him really mad. Oh, he makes kids tow the line, but he does with without an emotional change.
I came across this poem, I wrote it about me. It speaks for itself. This poem is the reason I am a teacher. It is why I tried to be a good mom. It is why I struggle so much to just survive at times. It is why at the age of 49, I still do not know what I want to be, really, when I grow up. I guess it is a sign that like my 14 year old students, I am just trying to get by. Like them, I resent being pulled away from my comfortable home, and bed too soon in the morning. It is why sometimes I just need someone to teach me, show me, help me...
Teach me how to say “I Can”
I never really learned that phrase
It is something practiced everyday
For most…
Teach me how to reach to stars
I never really stretched that far
It is something reached for
Far away…
Teach me how to sail the seas
I never really set my sails
It is something only sailors dream
Isn’t it…
Teach me how you live each day
I never really took that breath
That fills and expands
A life…
Teach me how to be myself
I was never really introduced
Robbed at birth and forced to be
Someone else not me…
Teach me how to love
I only know how to say
Three words,
I practice everyday…
Show me that I can, I am
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December 6th, Make a joyful noice!

Silent, Holy Night is a collection of Advent/Christmas songs written by Mark Friedman and Janet Voigt. I was first introduced to the collections of songs at a National Pastoral Music conference. I quickly scooped it up with the intent purpose of sharing it with my faith community. I was the music director for a small, loving church in St. Anne, Illinois. The four years that I spent there were indeed four wonderful fulfilling years. This collection of songs contributed to the experience. The song "Mary's Child" still brings a tear to my eye when I first hear it every year. I had three of my male choir members sing it. Mark Beaupre, Ed Beaupre and Doug Burling. All three of them had unique, beautiful singing voices. In particular Mark's voice melted my heart. To this day, I long to hear him sing it again. The other songs were equally as touching, and I had the pleasure of writing, and directing children at St. Anne church, and St. Joseph Catholic School in a neighboring town. Along with the children of both communities, I had the honor the joy of hearing my children join in the singing, along with my nephews Michael John and Justin Hunger. Our Christmas pageant blended child and adult together to send out and receive the undying message of love and sacrifice as found in the birth of Christ.
Today, on the feast of St. Nicholas, I received a wonderful gift. Those songs were revived. This time with my daughter Aubrey singing. After she left, I grabbed ahold of the microphone and was taken back to a time in my life where the music of church and the season of the church embraced all of my comings and goings. No matter where I sing, what I sing, or when I sing, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to singing for the Lord.
O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods Ps 95:1-3
Saturday, December 5, 2009
December 5, a simple Saturday satisfies said soul...

Seriously, it does. Sleeping in, let's go beyond the sleeping in, sleeping straight through the night is sublime. I cannot tell you when the last time was that I slept so soundly through the night as I did last night. I am sure it had something to do with the fact that I worked the entire week at a pace that no woman over the age of forty should have to, not to mention that I was as sick as a dog with a sinus infection the entire week. I am still sneezing, and blowing today!
After waking up at 8:20a.m., (yes, you read correctly, 8:20) I slowly readied myself for a day filled with relaxation, exploration, and gastronomic achievement. Steve, my Saturday partner in crime, announced that he had been waiting for me to wakeup, as he had a hankering for the Blue Plate french toast. The Blue Plate Diner is a favorite of ours. It is located in Lakeside Michigan straight up the Red Arrow Highway from New Buffalo Michigan. The food is wonderful, especially their caramel french toast, and the OOOhla omelete, with tomatoes, tarrogon and goat cheese. This place is so wonderful even their toast and jam is a gourmet delight. Anyway, it was decided, by the baton waiving partner of mine that we would be going soon.
We journeyed towards the east by northeast. The food was as predicted, amazing. Following brunch we traveled further north to St. Joseph, MI and through Benton Harbor. Spending the afternoon looking through a little antique shop called, Days of Yore left us relaxed and discussing how quickly time passes. It is all quite sad really, so much of the old and the simple was traded in for what was seemingly an improvement, but from what I can see, little has been improved. The current architecture is sterile, empty, cookie-cutterish, while the grandeur of the older buildings in Benton Harbor stand empty, neglected, calling out to better days. It was then that I realized that my own memory of the past, past Christmases, my mother, my playmates from childhood are fading from my memory. It was then that I realized the day would come, when memories of me too would be faded, and would be much like the old building we passed by today, fading, neglected and calling out to better days, hanging on by a thin hair of memory. By the time I was done lamenting over this reality of my contribution to the big picture, I sighed, and was satisfied that I am loved, and known. I try daily to contribute to something, to someone, and just be glad to be making memories.
Our journey back into Michigan City was filled with discussion of life, God, and the decision to keep it as simple as possible this holiday season. We settled back into our day, Steve did his thing, and me, I went on to Aldi's (I like to keep it simple, even Aldi's is a little too large for me). It was time to get groceries, time to restock the shelves following a wonderful Thanksgiving week. The grocery cart was filled with goodies. It brings me great joy to feed those that I love. To see the man that I love satisfied through my gastronomic achievement brings about glorious fulfillment.
Saturday was brought to an end with a round of simple songs. Waking up to the one you love, feeding each other's spirit, exploring days of yore, careening along life's highway, preparing feasts of fancy, singing simple songs of love and longing, and knowing, just knowing that today you are loved, simply satisfies, said soul...
“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear music.” – Angela Monet
After waking up at 8:20a.m., (yes, you read correctly, 8:20) I slowly readied myself for a day filled with relaxation, exploration, and gastronomic achievement. Steve, my Saturday partner in crime, announced that he had been waiting for me to wakeup, as he had a hankering for the Blue Plate french toast. The Blue Plate Diner is a favorite of ours. It is located in Lakeside Michigan straight up the Red Arrow Highway from New Buffalo Michigan. The food is wonderful, especially their caramel french toast, and the OOOhla omelete, with tomatoes, tarrogon and goat cheese. This place is so wonderful even their toast and jam is a gourmet delight. Anyway, it was decided, by the baton waiving partner of mine that we would be going soon.
We journeyed towards the east by northeast. The food was as predicted, amazing. Following brunch we traveled further north to St. Joseph, MI and through Benton Harbor. Spending the afternoon looking through a little antique shop called, Days of Yore left us relaxed and discussing how quickly time passes. It is all quite sad really, so much of the old and the simple was traded in for what was seemingly an improvement, but from what I can see, little has been improved. The current architecture is sterile, empty, cookie-cutterish, while the grandeur of the older buildings in Benton Harbor stand empty, neglected, calling out to better days. It was then that I realized that my own memory of the past, past Christmases, my mother, my playmates from childhood are fading from my memory. It was then that I realized the day would come, when memories of me too would be faded, and would be much like the old building we passed by today, fading, neglected and calling out to better days, hanging on by a thin hair of memory. By the time I was done lamenting over this reality of my contribution to the big picture, I sighed, and was satisfied that I am loved, and known. I try daily to contribute to something, to someone, and just be glad to be making memories.
Our journey back into Michigan City was filled with discussion of life, God, and the decision to keep it as simple as possible this holiday season. We settled back into our day, Steve did his thing, and me, I went on to Aldi's (I like to keep it simple, even Aldi's is a little too large for me). It was time to get groceries, time to restock the shelves following a wonderful Thanksgiving week. The grocery cart was filled with goodies. It brings me great joy to feed those that I love. To see the man that I love satisfied through my gastronomic achievement brings about glorious fulfillment.
Saturday was brought to an end with a round of simple songs. Waking up to the one you love, feeding each other's spirit, exploring days of yore, careening along life's highway, preparing feasts of fancy, singing simple songs of love and longing, and knowing, just knowing that today you are loved, simply satisfies, said soul...
“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear music.” – Angela Monet
Friday, December 4, 2009
December 4th, what a day, what a day!
Fridays are always my favorite day. It is for all involved with school, it goes with the territory. Whether you are a teacher, a student, a custodian, it does not matter. Fridays are sublime. Today was a tiring day as it was "raceday" for my students. I teach STEM, science, technology, engineering and math, all combined in a problem based format. In other words, we make things. My students were responsible for making a balloon powered car. It was exhausting to say the least, but as most days are, it was rewarding.
As I sit here now listening to Steve sing and play the guitar, I am reminded about how lucky I am that much of my life is centered around music. It has always been this way. Raised in a music rich home, being a singer, and producing musicians, music lovers, and now surrounding myself with an extremely talented musician, it is truly safe to say that music is to a great extent my life. I just completed two new music videos thanks to Animoto. I uploaded a song I recorded last Christmas titled, The Snow is Gently Falling, and then one recorded by Steve and I that features my beautiful daughter Aubrey on a new classic written by Daniel Kantor. Listening to Aubrey sing with an innocence I was reminded of times now past, when my children would begin to prepare for their school Christmas programs. They were always elaborate productions with Mrs. Schultz at the helm. I learned much from Mrs. Schultz and the other teachers at Sts. Patrick and Theresa Catholic School. So much of who I am and who my children are was formed at that simple unadorning school, and the church connected to it. St. Patricks church is where I found my voice. So many times I sang for my supper. So many times I was healed and nurtured through the music at the church on the corner of Indiana Avenue and Hickory St. in the heart of Kankakee Illinois. Yes, the heart of the town that I grew up in and loved so dearly.
As I came to the close of preparing the video "Night of Silence" I found the deep longing in my heart and spirit to be connected to a church community this Christmas. It seems so unfair that in trying to find a place to fit in, I lost so much of what made me fit. My prayer for this Christmas? Well, it is in not much different than Christmastimes past. I pray that I will see Santa, I pray that I will see my children happy and healthy, I pray that I will be able to sing the Psalms of Christmastide, maybe even sing for a congregation of joy-seekers, "Night of Silence" in the tradition of days gone by.
December 4th, what a day, what a day, and thank you Lord for this day, soon the snow will be falling, and rose will wait frozen in the snow laying, waiting...
As I sit here now listening to Steve sing and play the guitar, I am reminded about how lucky I am that much of my life is centered around music. It has always been this way. Raised in a music rich home, being a singer, and producing musicians, music lovers, and now surrounding myself with an extremely talented musician, it is truly safe to say that music is to a great extent my life. I just completed two new music videos thanks to Animoto. I uploaded a song I recorded last Christmas titled, The Snow is Gently Falling, and then one recorded by Steve and I that features my beautiful daughter Aubrey on a new classic written by Daniel Kantor. Listening to Aubrey sing with an innocence I was reminded of times now past, when my children would begin to prepare for their school Christmas programs. They were always elaborate productions with Mrs. Schultz at the helm. I learned much from Mrs. Schultz and the other teachers at Sts. Patrick and Theresa Catholic School. So much of who I am and who my children are was formed at that simple unadorning school, and the church connected to it. St. Patricks church is where I found my voice. So many times I sang for my supper. So many times I was healed and nurtured through the music at the church on the corner of Indiana Avenue and Hickory St. in the heart of Kankakee Illinois. Yes, the heart of the town that I grew up in and loved so dearly.
As I came to the close of preparing the video "Night of Silence" I found the deep longing in my heart and spirit to be connected to a church community this Christmas. It seems so unfair that in trying to find a place to fit in, I lost so much of what made me fit. My prayer for this Christmas? Well, it is in not much different than Christmastimes past. I pray that I will see Santa, I pray that I will see my children happy and healthy, I pray that I will be able to sing the Psalms of Christmastide, maybe even sing for a congregation of joy-seekers, "Night of Silence" in the tradition of days gone by.
December 4th, what a day, what a day, and thank you Lord for this day, soon the snow will be falling, and rose will wait frozen in the snow laying, waiting...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
December 3rd, it snowed, well a little bit...
This morning started out a little cold, and grey, and by the time I walked out of Elston Middle School at 3:35, it was snowing. Okay, flurrying, but all the same, the first snow flake. That snow flake was greeted with great excitement and anticipation. My first response was to quickly text message my daughters and proclaim that I saw it, I saw the first snow flake of the year. Right here in Michigan City! My text's were returned with even more excitement! You see we LaLuna women get overjoyed at the idea of missed school, staying home and getting cozy, making almond moo's, homemade cookies, and just remaining in warm pajama bottoms all day long. It is glorious to see that the things I started with them when they were babies is continuing on. Each one of them has their own traditions that have grown out of our traditions. Snow days would be days filled with giggles, cooking, and shear fun!
By the time I got home today from running a few errands, I could see a white dusting on my neighbors black shingled roof. The wind was howling in from the north. I was waiting for Steve to come home, so that I could share with him my excitement. After his arrival we went out for a bite to eat at a new restaurant, (well, new for us) called Hammers, a fun little place, actually very nice, with a fantastic wait staff. True Michigan City hospitality if you ask me.
Well, by the time we left the restaurant, the temperature dropped, the wind picked up, and in an instance, Steve and I were scrambling for the car. We had forgotten how darned cold Michigan City is! through our chattering teeth, our silly giggles, we asked ourselves, "now why did we move to MC?" The romantic aspect of winter died down real fast as we realized we had about 4.5 months of extreme cold to get through, and probably more snow than anyone person really wants.
Aww well, no matter how you slice it, there is excitement in the first snow flake, there will be in every potential snow day from here until May, and it reminds us what this time of year means. It means Christmas, the birth of our Lord, well, my Lord. It is about family, love, sharing, caring, and renewal. Maybe that is what it is, snow is nature's way of putting a brand new coat of purity on everything that it touches. "And I will wash you clean as snow" Isaiah 1:18
By the time I got home today from running a few errands, I could see a white dusting on my neighbors black shingled roof. The wind was howling in from the north. I was waiting for Steve to come home, so that I could share with him my excitement. After his arrival we went out for a bite to eat at a new restaurant, (well, new for us) called Hammers, a fun little place, actually very nice, with a fantastic wait staff. True Michigan City hospitality if you ask me.
Well, by the time we left the restaurant, the temperature dropped, the wind picked up, and in an instance, Steve and I were scrambling for the car. We had forgotten how darned cold Michigan City is! through our chattering teeth, our silly giggles, we asked ourselves, "now why did we move to MC?" The romantic aspect of winter died down real fast as we realized we had about 4.5 months of extreme cold to get through, and probably more snow than anyone person really wants.
Aww well, no matter how you slice it, there is excitement in the first snow flake, there will be in every potential snow day from here until May, and it reminds us what this time of year means. It means Christmas, the birth of our Lord, well, my Lord. It is about family, love, sharing, caring, and renewal. Maybe that is what it is, snow is nature's way of putting a brand new coat of purity on everything that it touches. "And I will wash you clean as snow" Isaiah 1:18
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December 2nd, Is it going to SNOW?
I think if I could sum up the question of the day that would be it. I have spent most of my day thinking, writing, teaching, doing all the same ole stuff. I created a new zmag, a Christmas one, titled lovingly Christmas at ArtSees. Stop by, in fact, drop by and give me your favorite Christmas memory, poem, story, picture, song, or maybe just you.
Okay, sorry, I digress... I made a shepherds pie, a cherry cheesecake, watched a strange Orson Welles movie, titled, "F for Fake" did a few other things, and well, I dream of snow...
On my way home from work today, the sky was beginning to darken a little earlier than usual. The clouds were not just floating in, by moving in in a very irratic fashion. Winter's chill was settling in. Nightfall came much earlier tonight and with it, a longing to be snuggled in with no sounds outside except for the sound of a freshly fallen snow. I look forward to looking out my window, gazing across the street at the tree covered hill topped off with snow.
As I type this, I can hear the waves building, (it is amazing, we are 2500ft. from Lake Michigan and the sound of the waves can be heard inside of our house) the wind is blowing, I believe I hear rain tapping on my windows. For this dreamer, I am dreaming of a white December 3rd. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a late start tomorrow, or better yet, our first snow day!
Okay, sorry, I digress... I made a shepherds pie, a cherry cheesecake, watched a strange Orson Welles movie, titled, "F for Fake" did a few other things, and well, I dream of snow...
On my way home from work today, the sky was beginning to darken a little earlier than usual. The clouds were not just floating in, by moving in in a very irratic fashion. Winter's chill was settling in. Nightfall came much earlier tonight and with it, a longing to be snuggled in with no sounds outside except for the sound of a freshly fallen snow. I look forward to looking out my window, gazing across the street at the tree covered hill topped off with snow.
As I type this, I can hear the waves building, (it is amazing, we are 2500ft. from Lake Michigan and the sound of the waves can be heard inside of our house) the wind is blowing, I believe I hear rain tapping on my windows. For this dreamer, I am dreaming of a white December 3rd. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a late start tomorrow, or better yet, our first snow day!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Okay, so a little sentimentality for the 1st...
It is a wonderful life, and I am very much looking forward to the next 24 days. After all, this is the birth month of the greatest human being ever born! Full moon tonight to, and it is glowing so amazingly bright over all of us! PEACE
It is all in a day's work...
Yeah, yeah, would think that on the first day of December I would be singin falalalala's and flinging mistletoe around like it was a pillow being fluffed before a long winter's nap. But, no not this girlie girl. Instead, I am sneezing, weezing, coughing and grumbling because once again I am sick thanks to work. Yup, while some people go deep into the ground and develop black lung as they haul out dark coal from the bowels of earth and others risk back injury as they climb up on roofs hauling shingles, I am one of millions of educators who exposed them to injury, illness, and more everyday as they go to work to take care of and educate America's children. While mommies and daddies everyday send their little Suzie and Johnny off to school they go on their way avoiding the reality that their child is ill, and they should probably keep them at home so that the rest of humanity does not succumb to their child's crud!
Sure, they go to work, and if they are lucky they work with adults and are capable of avoiding Fred and Fran's sneezing fits from their kids.
Seriously, this is the second time since September that I have been on Augmentin for a respiratory infection. Suprisingly, when I worked in the "adult" world, I was rarely ill. Never ill enough to go to the doctor. So, the way I see it, if this continues, I will be ill again in February, and then early May before I get a respite from the darlings.
So case in point; it is all in a day's work, teachers, especially those of adolescent age children and below are at a greater risk for chronic illness, (not to mention mental illness)and you would think that keeping that in mind, we would have enough sick days to make sure that we kept our sneezing, weezing, belly cramping illness in bed where it belongs. But, no, the truth is, it is actually more work to stay home and prepare a classroom for a guest teacher, who will undoubtedly not follow your well-crafted lesson plans!
Maybe tomorrow I will feel a little more like falalalala-ing and rejoice in the the season, after all Tis' the season to be "Mary"
Sure, they go to work, and if they are lucky they work with adults and are capable of avoiding Fred and Fran's sneezing fits from their kids.
Seriously, this is the second time since September that I have been on Augmentin for a respiratory infection. Suprisingly, when I worked in the "adult" world, I was rarely ill. Never ill enough to go to the doctor. So, the way I see it, if this continues, I will be ill again in February, and then early May before I get a respite from the darlings.
So case in point; it is all in a day's work, teachers, especially those of adolescent age children and below are at a greater risk for chronic illness, (not to mention mental illness)and you would think that keeping that in mind, we would have enough sick days to make sure that we kept our sneezing, weezing, belly cramping illness in bed where it belongs. But, no, the truth is, it is actually more work to stay home and prepare a classroom for a guest teacher, who will undoubtedly not follow your well-crafted lesson plans!
Maybe tomorrow I will feel a little more like falalalala-ing and rejoice in the the season, after all Tis' the season to be "Mary"
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